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Message from Founder & CEO
My passion is teaching. During years that I have been teaching I have developed ways to deliver permanent knowledge to students. I feel that I was forced to do this because most of my students work full time and I realized that the only time I had to teach them was the time they are engaged with me.
No. 18103695, in the following:
Craft Instructor Core Curriculum (view image).
Curriculum Performance Evaluator Core Curriculum (view image)
Craft Instructor Electrical (view image).
Curriculum Performance Evaluator Electrical (view image).
Curriculum Proctor (view image).
SME – Subject Matter Expert (in electrical, computer, clinical and biomedical engineering).
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering. University of Miami (view image).
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. University of Miami (view image).
Specialist in Industrial Engineering Technology. Technology Training Center San Juan Bosco, Spain (view image).