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Journeyman Electrician Exam Preparation

CRR Academy provides people with resources to help them pass  the Journeyman Electrician Exam, including instructional videos and interactive quizzes. Materials are provided to us by Mike Holt Enterprises (designing electrical training programs that work for over 40 years). Our course give you the knowledge and confidence you need to pass your exam the first time.

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0/46 Steps

Core Curriculum Preparation: Introductory Craft Skills

Key content includes: Basic Safety, Introduction to Construction Math, Introduction to Hand Tools, Introduction to Power Tools, Construction Drawings, Basic Rigging, Basic Communication Skills, and Basic Employability Skills, and Introduction to Materials Handling.

0% Complete
0/9 Steps

NCCER Electrical Level 4 Preparation

Key content includes: Load Calculations – Feeders and Services, Health Care Facilities, Standby and Emergency Systems, Basic Electronic Theory, Fire Alarm Systems, Specialty Transformers, Advanced Controls, HVAC Controls, Heat Tracing and Freeze Protection, Motor Operation and Maintenance, Medium-Voltage Terminations/Splices, Special Locations, and Fundamentals of Crew Leadership.

0% Complete
0/61 Steps

NCCER Electrical Level 3 Preparation

Key content includes: Load Calculations – Branch and Feeder Circuits, Conductor Selection and Calculations, Practical Applications of Lighting, Hazardous Locations, Overcurrent Protection, Distribution Equipment, Transformers, Commercial Electrical Services, Motor Calculations, Voice, Data, and Video, and Motor Controls.

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0/43 Steps

NCCER Electrical Level 2 Preparation

Key content includes: Alternating Current, Motors: Theory and Application, Electric Lighting, Conduit Bending, Pull and Junction Boxes, Conductor Installations, Cable Tray, Conductor Terminations and Splices, Grounding and Bonding, Circuit Breakers and Fuses, Control Systems and Fundamental Concepts.

0% Complete
0/11 Steps

NCCER Electrical Level 1 Preparation

Provides an overview of the electrical trade and discusses the career paths available to electricians. Electrical Safety. Introduction to Electrical Circuits. Electrical Theory. Introduction to the National Electrical Code. Device Boxes. Hand Bending. Raceways and Fittings. Conductors and Cables. Basic Electrical Construction Drawings. Residential Electrical Services. Electrical Test Equipment.

0% Complete
0/17 Steps

Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

Ciro Roberto Rios — Founder & Executive Director

Message from Founder & CEO

My passion is teaching. During years that I have been teaching I have developed ways to deliver permanent knowledge to students. I feel that I was forced to do this because most of my students work full time and I realized that the only time I had to teach them was the time they are engaged with me.

No. 18103695, in the following:

Craft Instructor Core Curriculum (view image).

Curriculum Performance Evaluator Core Curriculum (view image)

Craft Instructor Electrical (view image).

Curriculum Performance Evaluator Electrical (view image).

Curriculum Proctor (view image).

SME – Subject Matter Expert (in electrical, computer, clinical and biomedical engineering). 

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering. University of Miami (view image).

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. University of Miami (view image).

Specialist in Industrial Engineering Technology. Technology Training Center San Juan Bosco, Spain (view image).

What Our Students Have to Say

Professor Rios teaches us real problems that exist every day in hospitals. But his work does not stop there. He has taken the to the class engineers from a company as accredited as General Electric to tell us about their professional experiences. No other professor has done this for us.
Rachel Nelson
Biomedical Engineeer at Miami VA Hospital. Computer Engineer of the US Navy, graduated in August 2016 with a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering Technology from DeVry University.
I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am of having you as my former professor. However, to me YOU ARE MY PROFESSOR FOR LIFE! You not only taught the school material at hand, but you also taught me about REAL life. I remember one time, because of my TYPE 2 diabetes, I was feeling discouraged and wanted to quit, but you told me that I’m bigger than any sickness in my life, and now, I no longer have type 2, and I sincerely thank you for that.
Maurice Peters
Clinical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic Florida. Graduated as a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering Technology from DeVry University.
I recognize that with Professor Rios I learned to investigate through the internet and to locate data about circuits I did not know. In their classes not only spoke of devices and circuits (hardware), or data and algorithms (software), but also of the new communication and learning relationships, based on teamwork, and the possibility of establishing relationships based on mutual benefit, assertiveness and active instruction.
Wilfrid Thervil
Cleveland Clinic Florida. Graduated in 2016 as a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering Technology from DeVry University (Nassau, Bahamas).
I wanted to once again express my heartfelt gratitude to you for being so instrumental in my current career success. I was reluctand at first about choosing Cleveland Clinic as my externship site because of the distance and the commute. But in the end it was worth it. I feel my experience at Cleveland Clinic was a key to being hired at GE Healthcare first as an intern and then as a permanent employee.
Alfred Seijas
GE Healthcare, graduated as a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering Technology from Brown Mackie College.
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